Kab. Rokan Hulu
Parenting Enthusiast, Family Lifestyle Enthusiast, Actor & Actress, Foodies, Beauty & Wellness Enthusiast, Gadget & Technology Enthusiast, Gamer, Automotive Enthusiast, Athlete, Photographer, Digital Creator, Live Streamer, Fashion Enthusiast, Chef, Comedian, Community, Entrepreneur, Environmentalist, Fitness & Health Enthusiast, Kidsfluencers, Luxury Lifestyle Enthusiast, Media Publisher, Medical Experts, Musician, Religious Content Creators, Traveler, Journalist
Terdaftar sejak 27 Nov 2023
Estimasi Followers
28 K
Reels - Durasi 60 Detik
Durasi Video (Detik) : 60, Tampilkan Reels ke Feed : Ya, Reels Remix (Stitch) : Ya, Revisi Draft : Ya 3, Produk Perlu Dikirim Brand : Ya
Story - Foto
Jenis Posting / Repost : Foto, Add Link Sticker : Ya, Revisi Draft : Ya 3, Produk Perlu Dikirim Brand : Ya
Live - Durasi 1 Jam
Durasi Live (Jam) : 1, Produk Perlu Dikirim Brand : Ya
Post - Single
Jenis Post : Single, Revisi Draft : Ya 3, Produk Perlu Dikirim Brand : Ya
Estimasi Followers
30 K
Video - Durasi 15 Detik
Durasi Video (Detik) : 15, Stitch Konten : Ya, Konten Duet : Ya, Label Promotional Content : Ya, Revisi Draft : Ya 3, Produk Perlu Dikirim Brand : Ya
Live - Durasi 1 Jam
Durasi Live (Jam) : 1, Produk Perlu Dikirim Brand : Ya
Syarat & Ketentuan
- Clarify your SOW
contoh: Bikin video tiktok review first impression produk A 30 detik, show product texture & packaging, describe scent & texture, pake voice over, include footage of yourself w/ product [muka keliatan]
*Rate Card*
- Berdasarkan kemampuan bikin konten (Properti yang dipunya, camera work, lighting, visuals, sounds, etc. tergantung effort bikin konten)
- Jumlah followers
- Waktu yg dikasih
- Bundling packages are attractive
- Don't forget include your t&c
contoh: Bikin video tiktok review first impression produk A 30 detik, show product texture & packaging, describe scent & texture, pake voice over, include footage of yourself w/ product [muka keliatan]
*Rate Card*
- Berdasarkan kemampuan bikin konten (Properti yang dipunya, camera work, lighting, visuals, sounds, etc. tergantung effort bikin konten)
- Jumlah followers
- Waktu yg dikasih
- Bundling packages are attractive
- Don't forget include your t&c