Nadya Julia
Kota Adm. Jakarta Selatan
Parenting Enthusiast, Family Lifestyle Enthusiast, Digital Creator
Terdaftar sejak 29 Apr 2024



Estimasi Followers

95 K

Story - Video 15 Detik

Jenis Posting / Repost - Durasi video (detik) : 15, Add Link Sticker : Ya, Revisi Draft : Ya 3, Produk Perlu Dikirim Brand : Ya

Reels - Durasi 15 Detik

Durasi Video (Detik) : 15, Tampilkan Reels ke Feed : Ya, Reels Remix (Stitch) : Ya, Revisi Draft : Ya 3, Produk Perlu Dikirim Brand : Ya

Story - Video 15 Detik

Jenis Posting / Repost - Durasi video (detik) : 15, Add Link Sticker : Ya, Revisi Draft : Ya 3, Produk Perlu Dikirim Brand : Ya

Reels - Durasi 15 Detik

Durasi Video (Detik) : 15, Tampilkan Reels ke Feed : Ya, Reels Remix (Stitch) : Ya, Revisi Draft : Ya 3, Produk Perlu Dikirim Brand : Ya



Nadya Julia
Estimasi Followers

80 K

Video - Durasi 15 Detik

Durasi Video (Detik) : 15, Stitch Konten : Ya, Konten Duet : Ya, Label Promotional Content : Ya, Revisi Draft : Ya 3, Produk Perlu Dikirim Brand : Ya

Video - Durasi 15 Detik

Durasi Video (Detik) : 15, Stitch Konten : Ya, Konten Duet : Ya, Label Promotional Content : Ya, Revisi Draft : Ya 3, Produk Perlu Dikirim Brand : Ya



Syarat & Ketentuan

Payment Before Posting
Payment has to be made before posting or before the event occur. Our team has the right to take down/archive the content if payment has not been made as per agreement.

Products Provided
When posting or reviewing a product, client/agency must provide the products (including cooking ingredients), not included in the charged rates

Draft of Post
Draft of the post is made min. 10 days after brief is given and/or products arrive

Revision Rules
Revision for any of the posts, max. 1 time. If brief is added after the draft is sent, client will be charged an extra 500k.
Non-negotiable Rates
Rates are final, special rates are available only when value is higher than Rp 15.000.000.

Duration of Posted Content
Posts will be kept for 4 weeks (on IG Feed/Reels/Tiktok), for longer duration of posts, will be charged 50k/added day

Double Check Before Posting
After brief is given and the draft has been approved, the approved and posted content cannot be taken down because of change of brief or change in the link included. If client wishes to do so, there will be extra charges, 500k per post.
Process & Duration
From storyline approval, draft revision and content posting must be done in the course of max. 3 weeks from the deal of partnership, if content has not been posted in the duration of 1 month because of the lateness from client’s side, client must provide exclusive fee of Rp 3.000.000

Content Making Process
It takes about 7-10 days from the brief provided to create the content. If the campaign needs to be posten in short amount of time, we will charge an additional fee.
Insights, etc
Our team is not responsible for the content's engagement, insights, traffic or sales as we function as a media of promotion and not as sales. Rest assured, we always give a 100% to our clients.

Force Majeure & other Inconvenience

For circumstances beyond our control or any inconvenience that occur during the project, the payment will be non refundable. (i.e: Content taken down by platform but approved by client and already posted on social media)

Terms and conditions may change from time to time.
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