claudia christin d
Kota Adm. Jakarta Utara
Beauty & Wellness Enthusiast, Medical Experts
Terdaftar sejak 17 Jul 2023



Estimasi Followers

183 K

Reels - Durasi 15 Detik

Durasi Video (Detik) : 15, Tampilkan Reels ke Feed : Ya, Reels Remix (Stitch) : Ya, Revisi Draft : Ya 3, Produk Perlu Dikirim Brand : Ya



Syarat & Ketentuan

- It may take at least 3 weeks to make a solid review of a product.
- I only post an honest opinion about my experience and refuse to post any claims of products mentioned that are not properly backed by scientific evidence.
- If negative reaction(s) occurred, post for a negative review is negotiable and would be discussed further with clients for any publication (if necessary).
- The client must provide a brief and make all requests stated clearly in the brief. Failure to mention any request in the brief prior to content making process will result in an additional charge for revision. A client who does not have any request or brief must state it in a brief placement notice.
- The agreed posting date cannot be moved to another date. Change requests in posting date from clients will be charged an additional rate of the equivalent SoW.
- Any revision after the first revision that is not aligned with the initial brief will be charged around Rp2.500.000 – Rp 4.500.000 per revision.
- We try our best to submit the draft for review to the brand at least one day before the post schedule. If brand is unresponsive on the d-day of posting date, we will post the content accordingly.
- Claudia's content cannot be used for an ad boost without Claudia's consent. An additional rate of Rp5.000.000,- will be charged for an ad boost for 20 days. Collaboration payment should be paid in full before the review post. Otherwise, the client will need to provide an MoU if their brand has special terms and conditions they wish Claudia to follow. Payment should be made by the latest after 30 days of the posting date. There will be a 5% fine of the total value of the Agreement per week if the client fails to pay at the agreed date.
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